Notess Days

Happiness, tacos
(But not), slain dragons, haiku,
And poke (not bugs)

Deceptive strangeness

Strangeness on the roads
Deceptive, deadly beauty
Sunlight over ice

Hidden Force

Login? Password? In!!
type type type type type ... type ... wha?!
404 error

Requests as Requirements

Irony is when
your implied expectations
aren't reality

What's a test for?

Just because the tests
convey a lack of duress:
tests promise success


Automated tests
-dream within a dream- imply
quick resolution

For want of a nail

Five little, itty
bitty, tiny, miniscule
bugs destroyed the code

Broken dichotomy

Two kinds of problems
bugs you have not discovered
time to solve known bugs

Sprint Army Rap 2

Sprint two felt so great
Migrate vignette: their db
Make moves not lose nodes

Sprint Army Rap

Sprint one felt so fine
responses mapped: every run
non-run factor types

At a glance

One JIRA tasking:
1) Satisfaction conditions
2) Sweet, brief description

Unused Factors - v2

Get every factor
Remove all factor in runs
Then wire up button

Unused Factors - v1

Get Factors - Remove
RV Runs - Remove Custom
Runs - Wire Up button

Shattered daybreak

A time before dawn
Between evening and daybreak
Shattered dreams take flight

Single reality

A small bit of time
The space of a single breath
Reality blurs


Black fear and bile;
The pounding of your wild heart;
digging your own grave


There once was a run
so tired of its run matrix
that it left NOTESS

The hope

A new beginning
one meeting down, lots to go
NOTESS for the win!

Winter Deception

Beauty in white ice
Glimmering snow and pale frost
Gorgeous and Deadlye