Braiding Silver

Liquid silver bands
Writing like living serpents
Braiding into steel

Smallest Epic

Pressure is what grants
even the smallest challenge
epic potential


Betwixt writ and wit
lies subtleties and quick lit
that outsmarts itself

Marked Lines

Ten lines before me
Most missing their target mark
Some interesting

Furniture Haiku

Furniture moving
Across carpet and wood floors
Gets caught on a bump


This is Pen Pen
He's a penguin.
He liks fish and long walks on the beach.


This is Pig.
He's bacon in training.
He is working very hard on his future career.


If a red marker
And a blue marker fused is
There a purple one?

Knight and Lady II

If he holds a sword
He can't hold you; without it
He can't protect you

Exceptional Tree

If a flower can
Then a tree can too except
When a tree cannot

Silence Is Tasty

If a cake could talk
It would say "Do not eat me!"
It's good that cakes can't

Three Kinds of People

Three kinds of people
Are found in the world today:
Me, you, us, and them

The People

Accept the people
Make it simple to be loved
Except the people ...

Falling On Deaf Ears

The world's best knock knock:
Wanna hear? Please say "knock, knock".
Okay, sure .... "knock ... knock" .....

Pseudo-Self Reference

A real haiku has
hints of green trees and wisdom
not just random words

Introspective Armory

The best kinds of jokes
Are like songs - they are triggered
Like silent gunshots

Dreaming of Loneliness

Deeply, she dreamed of
Answers, hope, solace ... kindreds
Alone, at home, in bed

Mirrored Crimson

A crimson princess
Both a weapon and woman
Grins a crimson smile

Glowing Predator

A predator clad
In glowing white skin and teeth
Beauty and danger

Knights 2

The duty filled knight
Rode with his comrades against
The barbarians

The barbarians
Filled the bloody battlefield
Decimating knights

Back at the knight's home
His lady sat and waited
For his safe return



Data Management
System which automates the
Core business process

Knight Night

The knight on his horse
Rode into the battlefield
With pride and duty

The knight with no horse
Then walked from the battlefield
Tired and weary


Objective desolation

The sun burning bright
The vultures circling above
Desolate nature

Personalized desolation

The sun burning bright
Vultures circling above me
Desolate nature

Best offense

The very best way
To resolve conflict with peers
Is to lack offense

Mighty Banana

Banana Sunday
Not food, but a day, since it's
Sunday not Sundae

Well Spent

Were there only one
Day left on the Calendar
Be best spent at love

Philotic Resonance

He never missed it
It did not exist

Flashes of Red

Bright crimson feathers
Glinting in the warm sunlight
A cardinal flies

The Return of Supar Pandar

It is not a bird
And no, it is not a plane
It's Supar Pandar!

Water Heart

His new T-shirt said:
If other side is greener,
Water your own grass 

Actually Home

When you get back home
Remember to reconnect
Easily not back

Subtle Proverb

She whispered proverbs
Don't be interesting or bored
Instead, interested

Premature Agility ... not

Big up-front design
Optimize prematurely
Agile you are not

Missing Points

I sometimes wish that
I had more time, more moments
... I must not see them

Supar Savar

It's Supar Pandar
He has no powers but he's
Off to Save the Day!

Hidden Hidden

Sometimes hidden truth
Is only hidden from you
When you don't need it

Emotional Generalizations

Hurts me more than you
I'll never do that again
And ... That's what she said

Fractional Time

When is a number
both integer and fraction
most the time: neither

Shaken and Stirred

The argument took
All my evidence and shook
Apart foundations

Immortal Lobster

Immortal Lobster
Is quite sad for it goes with
Delicious butter

Flesh Oaths

Let your mouth drip lies
And trap truth inside your flesh
An oath of secrets

Cheese Pain

Pain more more more less
Haikus are like lobsters, too
'Cept the part 'bout cheese

Quotidian Miracles

Report miracles
Like a double border 'round
A triple rainbow

Randomly Most

If two are deepest
How do you pick which is most?
Random punch buggy!

Between Tracking

Tracking our efforts
Documented within sprints
But about between?

Agile Peter

Peter Principal
As active Agile filter:
Leaders with wrong hats

168 constraints

Primary Constraint
Is 168
hours in a week

Frustrated Contraints

Satisfied constraints
Are not always sufficient
To define success

Donut Fairy

Fluffy soft donuts
Suddenly appear today
A pleasant surprise

Classically Trite

Poetry is trite
But only because classic
Don't go out of style

Pseudo Cogntivity

Is not a word but it sounds
Just like how we think

Fallow Coding

The fallow coding
Bore little fruit into sprints
Check-ins red with puns

Only Everything

Just Development
It's just all-time-consuming
Only all my time

Fragmented Turn

Fragmenting the stormy sky
Science turned magic


Running on a belt
Wreaking machines before death
Chaos for order

Deferred Deference

Client decisions
Are sometimes later answered
Than they are useful

Timing is Everything

Passionate Coding
Requires Timing, Planning, 
And Caffeination

Kind Quality

Said, "It is quality!"
But he didn't say what kind
So he's right and wrong.

Storied Code

The developer
reads the stashed user story
then writes tests and code

Drive-by Dollars

One more assignment
one more day, one more dollar ...
through drive-by tasking

Haiku of Haiku

Jason says to me
That I must write a haiku
So here: a haiku

Perfectly Broken

All my code pristine
Works perfectly on my Chrome
Not on my I.E.

Writing Poetry

Five seven five lines
Do you write proper haiku?
Joe's reply is "No."

Generalized Truth

Do not contradict
My generalization
You'll reveal the lie!

Shadow of Memory

Only knew her name
A drop of dew in the rain
Invisibly Lost

Is nothing enough?


Invalid validility

At some point testing
Only validates answers
Never the questions

A Fable Tale

Once upon a time
There were three cute little pigs
A wolf at them whole

Meeting Blues

Rubix money bought
Four pizzas and eight sodas
'Think I ate too much  

Black Rainbows

The black crow feathers
Catch the light, thus revealing
Rainbows of color

Dreaming light

A million voices
At the reflection of dawn
Sing of dreams of light

Bonus Daze

Bonus days again
As code monkies do unite
over test results

Low Ball

Guaranteed success
Comes from some really low goals
Or maybe lying

Pseudo Wit

There are too many
puns designed ironically
without mettle, ink

Rhetorical Recursion

I sometimes think on
In Spanish "sin" is without.
So what's "without sin"?

They do it with mirrors

So, what would you call
graffiti on prison walls
Just one word: context

Retroactive Rest

At what point do we
Pay off the sleep debt of our
Weary ancestors

Little Cacophany

We have little-t
A testing cacophany
All in lower-case


Frustration is a
Dish best served way too quickly
And poorly prepared

Drive-by repetition

Drive by tasking has
Been replaced: phone-by tasking
Half-way through ... repeat!

Too County

I was too busy
To write NOTESS a haiku
Too bad i can't count

Party Choices

Coffee versus tea:
Which caffeinated beverage

Runs your everyday?

Distance Merited

Through snow, sleet, distance
I make time, two states away,
See hand joined in hand

Vibrant Bones

Hemingway on Feasts
Paul Simon on Hearts and Bones
Vibrance has a toll

Cookie Plate

Tiny cute cookies
And little chocolate pastries
Arranged on a plate

Fallow Saints

There were fallow thoughts
written on the minds of saints
and also our friends


  1. 1.
    of being simultaneously out of ones gourd and in ones gourd, where gourd may or may not be indicative of one's state of mind..
    "Melvin is metagourdical today"

Badgered Witness

The wizened user
Uses our application
Thus begins his smile

Junk Food

Pop Tarts are yummy
And so are chips and candy
But V8 icky

Marching Islanders

Thousand Islanders
Awaiting frozen, aching,
As time marches on

Notess Days

Happiness, tacos
(But not), slain dragons, haiku,
And poke (not bugs)

Deceptive strangeness

Strangeness on the roads
Deceptive, deadly beauty
Sunlight over ice

Hidden Force

Login? Password? In!!
type type type type type ... type ... wha?!
404 error

Requests as Requirements

Irony is when
your implied expectations
aren't reality

What's a test for?

Just because the tests
convey a lack of duress:
tests promise success


Automated tests
-dream within a dream- imply
quick resolution

For want of a nail

Five little, itty
bitty, tiny, miniscule
bugs destroyed the code

Broken dichotomy

Two kinds of problems
bugs you have not discovered
time to solve known bugs

Sprint Army Rap 2

Sprint two felt so great
Migrate vignette: their db
Make moves not lose nodes

Sprint Army Rap

Sprint one felt so fine
responses mapped: every run
non-run factor types

At a glance

One JIRA tasking:
1) Satisfaction conditions
2) Sweet, brief description

Unused Factors - v2

Get every factor
Remove all factor in runs
Then wire up button

Unused Factors - v1

Get Factors - Remove
RV Runs - Remove Custom
Runs - Wire Up button

Shattered daybreak

A time before dawn
Between evening and daybreak
Shattered dreams take flight

Single reality

A small bit of time
The space of a single breath
Reality blurs


Black fear and bile;
The pounding of your wild heart;
digging your own grave


There once was a run
so tired of its run matrix
that it left NOTESS

The hope

A new beginning
one meeting down, lots to go
NOTESS for the win!

Winter Deception

Beauty in white ice
Glimmering snow and pale frost
Gorgeous and Deadlye